Serial No.: एफ 23 (80) लेखा / आकाशि / छा. ऑनलाईन / 2024-25 / 08436 / 118
Devnarayan Student Scooty Distribution and Incentive Fund Scheme Name and affected areas:-
Name and affected area:-
(1) The name of this scheme will be Devnarayan Chhatra Scooty Distribution and Incentive Amount Scheme.
(2) This rule will be applicable to 05 castes including Gurjar in the most backward class among the backward classes in the state [viz. 1. Banjara, Baldiya, Labana 2. Gadia-Lohar, Gadolia 3. Gujar, Gurjar 4. Raika, Raibari (Debasi, Devasi) 5. Gadaria, (Gadri), Gayri].
(3) This rule will be applicable in the entire state of Rajasthan.
(4) This rule will be applicable to the girl students applying for the year 2020-21.
Objective of the scheme:-
To help girl students of 05 castes including Gujjar in the most backward class among backward classes in the state [i.e. 1. Banjara, Baldiya, Labana 2. Gadia-Lohar, Gadolia 3. Gujar, Gurjar 4. Raika, Raibari (Debasi, Devasi) 5. Gadaria (Gadri), Gayri] to score maximum marks in 12th class examination conducted by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education / Central Board of Secondary Education and graduation / post graduation degree examinations conducted by the university, to develop a sense of competition in them, to attract them for higher studies and to provide transport facility for higher education and to provide financial assistance.
Benefits payable under the scheme:-
(1) Scooty distribution: Girls from Rajasthan origin from the most backward class among the special backward class who have secured 50% or more marks in the 12th (C. Secondary) examination conducted by the Rajasthan Secondary Education Board / Central Board of Secondary Education and are studying regularly by taking admission in the first year of graduation degree in government colleges, state financed universities located in Rajasthan, will be sanctioned 1500 (one thousand five hundred only) scooties and distributed free of cost. For the girls studying regularly, a merit list of percentage of marks obtained in passing the 12th examination will be prepared and sanctioned. The applications of the remaining girls will be accepted for the incentive amount and the incentive amount will be sanctioned as per the rules. If even after making full efforts, complete/correct applications of girls studying in government colleges are not received, then the less number of applications received, the same number of scooties can be sanctioned to the girls studying in government colleges on the basis of merit list.
Along with distribution of scooty, one year insurance, two liters of petrol (one time only) and transportation expenses till handing over the scooty to the girl student will be borne by the state government. The percentage of marks obtained should be mentioned in the mark sheets issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education.
Incentive amount:-
Those girl students of extremely backward class from Rajasthan origin who are studying regularly after taking admission in Government Colleges, State funded Universities of Rajasthan, have secured 50% or more marks in 12th (C. Secondary) [those girls who are not included in the priority list for scooty approval], graduation first, second and third year respectively. They will be given incentive amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) annually in first year, second year and third year respectively and Rs. 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand only) annually in first year of post graduation (PG degree admission year) and Rs. 20,000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand only) annually in second year of post graduation on securing 50% or more marks in first year of post graduation.
The girl students availing the benefit of the above scheme will not be entitled to benefit under Devnarayan Shiksha Arthik Sahayata Yojana/Other Arthik Sahayata Yojana. If she is unable to avail the benefits of this scheme then she will be free to apply for benefits under other schemes.
The benefit will be payable on fulfillment of the following conditions:-
(1) The benefit of the scheme will be available only to those girl students of extremely backward class from special backward class who are native of Rajasthan and are studying regularly by taking admission in Government Colleges / Departments of State Financed Universities, Agricultural Universities / Agricultural Colleges, Sanskrit Universities / Sanskrit Colleges.
(2) The annual income of the parents / guardians / guardians / husband of the girl student should be less than Rs. 2,50,000 / - (Rs. Two lakh fifty thousand).
(3) The benefit of the scheme will be payable to unmarried, married, widowed and deserted girl students.
(4) Those girl students who are getting Devnarayan Chhatra Higher Education Financial Assistance or any other type of scholarship, scooty / incentive amount is not payable under this scheme.
(5) The benefit of the scheme is not payable if there is a gap between 12th (C. Secondary) and regular graduation first year and graduation final year and regular post graduation first year.
Necessary certificates/documents to be attached with the application form:-
(1) Self-attested copy of fee deposit receipt for admission in Government College/Department of State Financed Universities, Agricultural University/Agricultural College, Sanskrit University/Sanskrit College.
(2) Self-attested copy of mark sheet of last year's examination.
(3) Self-attested copy of Domicile Certificate issued by the competent authority.
(4) Self-attested copy of Caste Certificate of Special Backward Class issued by the competent authority.
(5) Annual Income Certificate of the student's parents/husband, guardian/guardian should not be more than six months old. Income certificate of parent/guardian will be valid only after presenting certificate regarding absence of parents/no husband/abandoned wife.
(6) Self-attested copy of student's nationalized bank savings account passbook in which IFSC code is clearly mentioned.
(7) Self-attested copy of Aadhaar card.
(8) Jan Aadhar Card application cannot be made online without Jan Aadhar Card.
(9) Affidavit to the effect that the beneficiary is not receiving the benefit of any other type of scholarship / scheme.
Application Process:-
(1) The prescribed application form can be filled online by the girl students of extremely backward class from the backward class in the state.
(2) The Principal of the college will do the necessary verification of the online application forms and certificates received and after mentioning the name of each girl student, father's name, class, faculty, address, percentage of marks, certify and sign it and forward it online to the Nodal Officer of the district. Thereafter, the District Nodal Officer will forward all the documents, after checking and verifying the facts mentioned, online to the Commissionerate College Education Department, Jaipur by the prescribed date.
(3) Girls from most backward class among backward class in the state will not be eligible to apply for Kalibai Bhil Medhavi Chhatra Scooty Yojana. If they apply, their application will be automatically cancelled.
Payment Process:-
After checking the online application forms received from District Nodal Officer in Commissionerate College Education Department, Jaipur, the first 1500 girls from special backward class studying regularly in first year of degree in government colleges will be sanctioned scooty by making a merit list according to percentage of marks obtained in passing 12th (C. Secondary) examination. Incentive amount will be sanctioned on the application forms of remaining girls as per rules. Incentive amount will be sanctioned on the correct application forms of girls studying regularly in first year of graduation degree, second, third and post graduation degree and payment related action will be taken through bank accounts.
For the purpose of income certificate:-
For the purpose of income test, in case of unmarried girl student, parents/guardian and girl student herself, and in case of married girl student, husband and girl student herself, and in case of widow and deserted girl student, guardian/guardian and girl student herself, income certificate should be submitted as per the following points:-
(1) Salaried employee should obtain income certificate (Form No. 16) from the employer officer and attach it. Annual income of salaried employees means salary and all allowances. Salaried employees include employees employed in State Government/Central Government/their boards/corporations, banks, LIC companies and factories.
(2) Pensioner employees should necessarily attach a copy of pension order and also attach certificate of pension and dearness allowance.
(3) In case of income from other sources, it is mandatory for the person liable to income tax to obtain and attach certificate from Income Tax Department, in which actual income of last year should be shown.
(4) Apart from employees receiving salary/pension, it will be mandatory for all to attach income certificate in prescribed format as per the guidelines issued by the State Government from time to time.
Determination of rules:-
These rules will be interpreted by Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department, Rajasthan, whose decision will be final.
Note- (1) If the student does not fulfil the deficiencies found in the online application form after scrutiny (by college/District Nodal Officer/Commissionerate) within the given period, then the application will be cancelled. The responsibility for which will be of the concerned student/guardian.
(2) The scooty approved to the student cannot be sold/repurchased for three years from the date of registration.
Frequently asked questions regarding the scheme-
1.Question > My School/ Institute/ College name is not listed on new portal.
Answer > If your School/ Institute/ College already registered then say for only course mapping in academic year 2019-20. If they have already done so then please wait for its approval by respective university/ DEO/ DSEO/ State Admin (3-4 days).
2.Question > While filling the form, my name is shown in striked RED color and unable to select the same.
Answer > This means that you have already created profile using different SSOID or at EMITRA KIOSK. Please continue using the earlier one.
3.Question > Getting message 'Oops! bank details not updated' after updating in Jan Aadhar.
Answer > Please update your BANK details at nearest EMITRA KIOSK and then submit the scholarship application. Alternatively, you can use Head of Family's Bank A/c.
4.Question > I have submitted some wrong/ incorrect information in application form and same is not editable.
Answer > If you have, by mistake, submitted wrong/ incorrect information in application form and form is not editable then please contact your school/ college for doing OBJECTION on your application. Later, you can EDIT the application form (limited fields only).
5.Question > I forgot my SSOID/ Username and/ or Password.
Answer >Please visit and click on "Forgot SSOID/ Username" or "Forgot Password" to recover the same.
6.Question > Details updated in Jan Aadhar are not visible in application form.
Answer > If your form is not Approved yet then click on profile update followed by update Jan Aadhar detail button to re-fetch the updated
details from Jan Aadhar Server.
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